Jimmy Carter strongly believed that Panama should be given control of the Canal."I was convinced it was an unfair original agreement that was foisted upon the Panamanian people against their will," he said,"I wanted to treat Panama fairly". During his term, he worked hard towards renewing Panama's pride. "There was no doubt that I was determined to go through with the Panama Canal because I thought I could succeed....I underestimated the opposition".
Source: The White House Diaries by Jimmy Carter
Carter ordered a review of the Panama Canal problem (see Presidential Review Memorandum) and appointed Sol Linowitz as co-negotiator with Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker. "My very first Presidential Review Memorandum (PRM 1) addressed the Panama Canal problem. During the early months of 1977, our negotiators were hard at work, consulting with me and trying to protect our national interests while dealing in good faith with their Panamanian counterparts."(Jimmy Carter in Keeping Faith: Memoirs of the President ) |
"It may be that these proposals will be less than you have expected or wished....In my best judgment the proposals will be generous, fair and appropriate."(Source: Jimmy Carter in Keeping Faith: Memoirs of the President).
In his letter to General Torrijos, President Carter describes his administrations' stance on the treaty proposal.
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